Forex - Crypto - Equities

Progressive Essential

 This indicator is simple yet a very powerful indicator computing the strength and direction of the Market.

It has two basic signals. When the markers turn Gold, it signals strength to the up-side. When the markers turn white, it signals weakness to the upside and movement to the down-side.

Now we all see that the market moves in waves. As the market starts to move upward you can see the Progressive Essential markers turning Gold showing the beginning of market strength. As the market starts to reverse, you can see the markers on the Progressive Essential Indicator starting to turn white. When the next wave starts to take shape, if the market is gaining strength the indicator will change to gold again. You will see how helpful and powerful the Progressive Essential Indicator can be when looking to determine the strength of the market.

Remember the market is very choppy, but there is always a big run and then retracement. You can spot these very easily with the Progressive Essential.

currently MT4 Platform

ProgressiveEssential, ProgressiveUltimateTrend, ProgressivePowerWave